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发布时间:2020-11-23 02:01:31 阅读: 来源:气泡袋厂家

据BBC报道,被称作“布鲁斯传奇人物”的歌手BB King在拉斯维加斯去世,享年89岁。BB King与糖尿病抗战20多年,今年4月他被送入医院接受治疗,出院后还在官网感谢关心,并表示感觉好多了。


BB king曾做过65年的街头艺人,在其事业鼎盛时期曾每年开300场演唱会,创下发行43张专辑的记录。但近十年其年演出数量骤减,降至每年100场,并 于2008年发行了最后一张专辑《One Kind Favor》。BB King于1987年正式成为摇滚名人堂的一员,次年他与U2合作,发行单曲《When Love Comes to Town》,并一举夺下英国畅销榜前十。BB King的生平可谓精彩离奇,于1925年出生在密西西比棉花种植场,后来成为一名孟菲斯的DJ,其艺名BB由Beale Street Blues Boy的昵称而诞生。结过两次婚的BB King据报道有15个小孩,截止到2014年竟有50个孙子孙女。(来自新浪娱乐)

《When Love Comes to Town》

I was a sailor, I was lost at seaI was under the wavesBefore love rescued meI was a fighter, I could turn on a threadNow I stand accused of the things I've saidLove comes to town I'm gonna jump that trainWhen love comes to town I'm gonna catch that flameMaybe I was wrong to ever let you downBut I did what I did before love came to townI used to make love under a red sunsetI was making promises I was soon to forgetShe was pale as the lace of her wedding gownBut I left her standing before love came to townI ran into a juke joint when I heard a guitar screamThe notes were turning blue, I was dazing in a dreamAs the music played I saw my life turn aroundThat was the day before love came to townWhen love comes to town I'm gonna jump that trainWhen love comes to town I'm gonna catch that flameMaybe I was wrong to ever let you downBut I did what I did before love came to town[music]When love comes to town I'm gonna jump that trainWhen love comes to town I'm gonna catch that flameMaybe I was wrong to ever let you downBut I did what I did before love came to town[music]I was there when they crucified my LordI held the scabbard when the soldier drew his swordI threw the dice when they pierced his sideBut I've seen love conquer the great divideWhen love comes to town I'm gonna catch that trainWhen love comes to town I'm gonna catch that flameMaybe I was wrong to ever let you downBut I did what I did before love came to town

When Love Comes To Town.mp3

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